Online Classes and Diplomas by monthly subscription

How Payments Work

Before you pay us, buy the first book on the list for the diploma you wish to pursue from a retailer like Amazon. Do not buy an eBook- only the physical book will work in these classes. Do not make any payment until your book is in your hands.

As a new student you will pay a $118 to get started. A onetime $59 nonrefundable enrollment fee and a $59 per month subscription fee. After your first payment you only pay $59 per month for every month you are a student. Because classes are at your own pace, the total you will eventual pay is up to. If you have the self-discipline to put in 8 hours or more in classes every week we will not hold you back!. Some students may end up only paying a few hundred dollars to complete a diploma but there is no cap on the amount you will pay.

You can cancel your subscription at anytime in your paypal account and your student account will be frozen. If you need assistance call the office.

You can cancel your subscription at anytime in your paypal account and your student account will be frozen. If you need assistance call the office.

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